My heart rate during the latest episode of Game Of Thrones

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See also: My brainwaves while watching the final episode of Breaking Bad and other TV visualization, Number of faces per second in episodes of House of Cards.

I admit that I like Game Of Thrones. I like the story and the way the TV show is done. So when I read on Monday about the supposedly heartbreaking episode “Rains Of Castamere”, in which Robb Stark, his wife and his mother get killed along many others, I thought I’d test my affection by recording my pulse while watching, then plotting it to see how it correlated to the visual narration.
Here it is:


To do that, I used my old Arduino and PulseSensor to record pulse, then graphed the averages on a picture along with corresponding frames using Processing. There are some mistakes when the sensor grabbed double pulse when I jumped or moved, but it averaged decently.

If you saw the episode, you’ll probably relate.

Update: if anyone wants the code (Processing / Arduino) send me an email. My address is on About page.